
The limit module allows a specified number of entries through and no more. This may be especially useful during the process of building a query, for example while testing regular expressions; by inserting a limit 50 into the pipeline, the results displayed will be less overwhelming.

The syntax is simple: limit <n>, where n is the maximum number of entries to allow through, or limit <n> <m>, which allows the Nth to the Mth entries through.

Specifically, limit X Y will pass entries [X,Y). That is limit is inclusive of the first term, and exclusive of the second. Terms are also zero-indexed, meaning given a set [a,b,c,d,e,f], limit 2 5 will return [c d e].

For example, to look at the payload of 10 packets:

tag=pcap packet tcp.Payload | limit 10 | table Payload

To look at packets 5 to 10:

tag=pcap packet tcp.Payload | limit 5 10 | table Payload

Limit can also key on enumerated values. If you want to allow 5 entries for each value of the enumerated value “foo”, for example:

tag=default ax | limit 5 by foo

You can specify any number of keyed fields. To allow 5 entries for each combination of enumerated values “foo”, “bar”, and “baz”, for example:

tag=default ax | limit 5 by foo bar baz