
The anko module provides a more complete scripting environment as a supplement to eval. It allows more complex operations on search entries, but it also requires more work to develop, test, and deploy an anko script than a simple eval expression. Scripts are stored as resources in the resource system.

The syntax of anko is identical to that of eval; both derive from, with some additional functions added for Gravwell-specific tasks.

We recommend using anko in situations where no other modules are capable enough. Typically this means situations where entries need to be compared against previous entries, entries need to be duplicated, complex operations are required to extract data from entries, or a combination of these.

You may also refer to the scripting overview for additional details or the Automation scripting documentation for more examples.


anko <script name> [script arguments]

Anko scripts are stored as resources. The name of the resource must be specified as the first argument to the anko module. After the script name, any additional arguments are passed on to the script itself.

Example script#

The following script is a re-formatted version of an example from the eval module documentation. Note that it is far easier to read than the one-line eval example:

func Process() {
	if len(Body) <= 10 {
		setEnum("postlen", "short")
	} else if len(Body) > 10 && len(Body) < 300 {
		setEnum("postlen", "medium")
	} else {
		setEnum("postlen", "long")
	return true

Assuming the script is uploaded to a resource named CheckPostLen, the script can be executed like this:

tag=reddit json Body | anko CheckPostLen | count by postlen | table postlen count

The Process function will be executed once for every search entry which reaches the anko module, checking the length of the enumerated value Body and setting a new enumerated value postlen based on the length of the body.


The return true at the end of the process function is critical. The Process function returns a boolean indicating whether the entry should be passed through or filtered out. Returning false means drop the entry. Returning true means allow the entry to continue down the pipeline.

Essential function definitions#

An anko script must contain either a function named Process or a function named Main. These functions do not take arguments. These two functions represent two different options for processing search entries.

If a Process function is defined, it will be called once per search entry; enumerated values on the entry may be treated as local variables, and the return value of the Process function determines if the entry is allowed to continue down the pipeline (true) or not (false).

If a Main function is defined, it will be called only once; the programmer must therefore call the readEntry and writeEntry functions to fetch each search entry and pass it down the line after operating on it.

We strongly recommend writing scripts with Process instead of Main whenever possible, because it is conceptually much simpler.

Sample script using Process() function#

This example script operates in two modes, specified as an argument to the script. In ‘build’ mode, it takes the “SrcIP” field extracted from the packet module and builds a list of IP addresses seen in the current search, then stores that list as a resource. In ‘apply’ mode, it takes the previously-built table and drops any entries which contain a previously-seen “SrcIP” field. This script was used to look for new devices on a network, although the lookup module now provides the same functionality with more flexibility.

table = make(map[string]interface)
task = "build"

var json = import("encoding/json")

# first arg = "build" or "apply"
func Parse(args) {
	errstr = "argument must be 'build' or 'apply'"
	if len(args) == 1 {
		task = args[0]
	} else {
		return errstr
	switch task {
	case "apply":
		# load the table
		data, _ = getResource("lookuptable")
		json.Unmarshal(data, &table)
	case "build":
		return errstr
	return nil

func Process() {
	if task == "build" {
		s = toString(SrcIP)
		table[s] = true
		return true
	} else if task == "apply" {
		s = toString(SrcIP)
		# create & set an enumerated value named "new" to true or false
		setEnum("new", !table[s])
		# if it's not in the table, return true
		return !table[s]

func Finalize() {
	if task == "build" {
		data, err = json.Marshal(table)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		return setResource("lookuptable", data)

Observe that the “SrcIP” enumerated value may be read like any other variable inside the Process function, but in order to set an enumerated value we must use the setEnum function to make the action explicit.

Note that the table and task variables are declared outside the function definitions. The built-in json encoding library is also imported prior to the function definitions. A full list of available libraries is provided below.

Sample script using Main() function#

Although writing scripts using a Main function is more challenging, it is necessary if you need to duplicate entries. The following script reads in an entry containing a Modbus message; if the message is a request of type 0x10 (“Write multiple registers”), the script duplicates the original entry once for each of the registers being written and to each entry attaches “RegAddr” and “RegValue” enumerated values containing a single register address + register value.


This script will not function on its own; as written, it was intended to consume the output of another anko script earlier in the pipeline, which would populate enumerated values such as “Request” and “WriteAddr”.

func Main() {
	for i = 0; i != -1; i++ {
		ent, err = readEntry()
		if err != nil {

		# Check if this is a request or a response
		Request, err = getEntryEnum(ent, "Request")
		if err != nil {
			#Request isn't set, this isn't a modbus packet, skip

		# read the function value
		Function, err = getEntryEnum(ent, "Function")
		if err != nil {

		ReqResp, err = getEntryEnum(ent, "ReqResp")
		if err != nil {

		if Request == true {
			if Function == 0x10 {
				# write multiple registers
				Addr, err = getEntryEnum(ent, "WriteAddr")
				if err != nil {
				Count, err = getEntryEnum(ent, "WriteCount")
				if err != nil {
				if Count == 0 || len(ReqResp) < 5 + 2*Count {
				for j = 0; j < Count; j++ {
					newEnt = cloneEntry(ent)
					# read the register value
					val = (toInt(ReqResp[5+(2*j)]) << 8) | toInt(ReqResp[5+(2*j)+1])
					setEntryEnum(newEnt, "RegAddr", Addr + j)
					setEntryEnum(newEnt, "RegValue", val)
					err = writeEntry(newEnt)
					if err != nil {
			} else {

Note the use of the readEntry, cloneEntry, and writeEntry functions; this explicit management of search entries is not necessary in scripts using Process functions. Note also the use of getEntryEnum and setEntryEnum functions to read enumerated values rather than treating them as variables.

Optional function definitions#

The script may also contain functions named Parse and Finalize.

The Parse function is called before Process or Main and is given the command line arguments as an array of arguments. The Parse function indicates that the arguments have been successfully processed by returning nil; any non-nil return is treated as an error and presented to the user. See the sample script below for a sample of how to parse script arguments.


The Parse function MUST explicitly return a value. Returning nil signals a successful parse; returning anything else indicates an error. In case of an error, we recommend returning a string describing the problem.

The Finalize function is called after Process or Main have completed. It is the last code executed in the script; this is a good place to create resources if desired.

Utility functions#

Anko provides built-in utility functions, listed below in the format functionName(<functionArgs>) <returnValues>. The following functions can be used in any anko script:

  • getResource(name) []byte, error returns the slice of bytes is the content of the specified resource, while the error is any error encountered while fetching the resource.

  • setResource(name, value) error creates (if necessary) and updates a resource named name with the contents of value, returning an error if one arises.

  • getMacro(name) string, error returns the value of the given macro or an error if it does not exist. Note that this function does not perform macro expansion.

  • len(val) int returns the length of val, which can be a string, slice, etc.

  • toIP(string) IP converts string to an IP, suitable for comparing against IPs generated by e.g. the packet module.

  • toMAC(string) MAC converts string to a MAC address.

  • toString(val) string converts val to a string.

  • toInt(val) int64 converts val to an integer if possible. Returns 0 if no conversion is possible.

  • toFloat(val) float64 converts val to a floating point number if possible. Returns 0.0 if no conversion is possible.

  • toBool(val) bool attempts to convert val to a boolean. Returns false if no conversion is possible. Non-zero numbers and the strings “y”, “yes”, and “true” will return true.

  • toHumanSize(val) string attempts to convert val into an integer, then represent it as a human-readable byte count, e.g. toHumanSize(15127) will be converted to “14.77 KB”.

  • toHumanCount(val) string attempts to convert val into an integer, then represent it as a human-friendly number, e.g. toHumanCount(15127) will be converted to “15.13 K”.

  • typeOf(val) type returns the type of val as a string, e.g. “string”, “bool”.

  • producesEnum(val) Informs the pipeline that the script plans to produce an Enumerated Value of that name. Should be called in the Parse() function.

  • consumesEnum(val) Informs the pipeline that the script plans to consume the Enumerated Value of that name. Should be called in the Parse() function.

The following functions are only available in scripts implementing the Process function:

  • setEnum(key, value) error creates an enumerated value on the current entry named key containing value.

  • getEnum(key) value, error returns the enumerated value specified by key

  • delEnum(key) deletes an enumerated value named key from the current entry.

  • hasEnum(key) bool returns whether the current entry has the enumerated value.

The following functions are only available in scripts implementing the Main function:

  • readEntry() entry, error returns the next entry and an error (if any). It will return an error when no entries remain.

  • writeEntry(ent) error writes out the given entry down the pipeline, returning an error if any.

  • cloneEntry(ent) entry returns a copy of the specified entry.

  • dupEntryByReference(ent, names...) entry duplicates the given entry and makes copies of the enumerated values specified by the names parameter(s).

  • newEntry() entry creates an entirely new entry, with the timestamp set to the end of the current query.

  • setEntryEnum(ent, key, value) sets an enumerated value on the specified entry.

  • getEntryEnum(ent, key) value, error reads an enumerated value from the specified entry.

  • hasEntryEnum(ent, key) bool returns whether the entry contains the enumerated value.

  • delEntryEnum(ent, key) deletes the specified enumerated value from the given entry.

  • setEntryData(ent, value) sets the data portion of an entry.

  • setEntrySrc(ent, ip) sets the source field of an entry.

  • setEntryTimestamp(ent, time) sets the timestamp of an entry.


The setEnum, hasEnum, and delEnum functions differ for scripts using Process functions vs. Main functions, because the Process function is implicitly operating on a particular entry.

Built-in variables#

The following variables are pre-defined for anko scripts:

  • START: the start time of the query.

  • END: the end time of the query.

  • DURATION: the duration of a query.

  • MAX_RUN_TIME: the maximum amount of time the script can execute for.

  • TAGMAP: a map of string tag names to entry.EntryTag tag numbers. This only contains tags used in the current query, so if you say tag=default,foo TAGMAP will contain ‘default’→0 and ‘foo’→1. Use this in conjunction with the cloneEntry or newEntry functions.

Available packages#

It is possible to import anko wrappers for certain Go libraries with syntax similar to the following:

var json = import("encoding/json")

For security reasons, the anko module does not allow access to all packages included with the full Anko scripting language. The following packages are available for use in anko scripts:

An exhaustive description of every package is not possible in this document; you can view the available functions exported for each package at the official anko repository. Some specific packages are described further below, as they do not offer the complete functionality exported by the official anko repository.

Package restrictions#

Some packages have functions that are potentially dangerous to export via a scripting language. Gravwell restricts certain package exports to a subset of those available in the full package. Below is a list of all package restrictions, if any, for each package.


crypto/md5 only exports the “New” and “Sum” functions:

  • md5.New

  • md5.Sum


crypto/sha1 only exports the “New” and “Sum” functions:

  • sha1.New

  • sha1.Sum


crypto/sha256 only exports the various “New” and “Sum” functions:

  • sha256.New

  • sha256.New224

  • sha256.Sum224

  • sha256.Sum256


crypto/sha512 only exports the various “New” and “Sum” functions:

  • sha512.New

  • sha512.New384

  • sha512.New512_224

  • sha512.New512_256

  • sha512.Sum384

  • sha512.Sum512

  • sha512.Sum512_224

  • sha512.Sum512_256


This module is only available if Disable-Network-Script-Functions is set to false in the Gravwell config. crypto/tls only exports the TLS config type for use in the net/http module:

  • tls.Config


encoding/csv only exports CSV initializers:

  • csv.NewReader (actually calls csv.NewReader with the LazyQuotes option set to true)

  • csv.NewWriter

  • csv.NewBuilder


encoding/base64 only exports base64 initializers and encoding types:

  • base64.NewDecoder

  • base64.NewEncoder

  • base64.NewEncoding

  • base64.RawStdEncoding

  • base64.RawURLEncoding

  • base64.StdEncoding

  • base64.URLEncoding


encoding/hex exports a subset of initializers and wrappers:

  • hex.Decode

  • hex.DecodeString

  • hex.DecodedLen

  • hex.Dump

  • hex.Dumper

  • hex.Encode

  • hex.EncodeToString

  • hex.EncodedLen

  • hex.NewDecoder

  • hex.NewEncoder


encoding/xml exports a subset of initializers, wrappers, and encoding options:

  • xml.Escape

  • xml.EscapeText

  • xml.Marshal

  • xml.MarshalIndent

  • xml.Unmarshal

  • xml.NewDecoder

  • xml.NewTokenDecoder

  • xml.NewEncoder

  • xml.HTMLAutoClose

  • xml.HTMLEntity

  • xml.Attr

  • xml.CharData

  • xml.Comment

  • xml.Directive

  • xml.EndElement

  • xml.Name

  • xml.ProcInst

  • xml.StartElement


flag only exports a subset of types, instead of the entire flag package:

  • flag.NewFlagSet

  • flag.PanicOnError

  • flag.ContinueOnError only exports the “New” and “Parse” functions:

  • uuid.New

  • uuid.Parse

  • uuid.ParseBytes

This module is only available if Disable-Network-Script-Functions is set to false in the Gravwell config. only exports the “New” related functions:

  • ipexist.New

  • ipexist.NewIPBitMap

This module is only available if Disable-Network-Script-Functions is set to false in the Gravwell config. only exposes the syslog related functionality:

  • srslog.Dial

  • srslog.DefaultFormatter

  • srslog.DefaultFramer

  • srslog.RFC3164Formatter

  • srslog.RFC5424Formatter

  • srslog.RFC5425MessageLengthFramer

  • srslog.UnixFormatter

  • srslog.LOG_EMERG

  • srslog.LOG_ALERT

  • srslog.LOG_CRIT

  • srslog.LOG_ERR

  • srslog.LOG_WARNING

  • srslog.LOG_NOTICE

  • srslog.LOG_INFO

  • srslog.LOG_DEBUG

  • srslog.LOG_KERN

  • srslog.LOG_USER

  • srslog.LOG_MAIL

  • srslog.LOG_DAEMON

  • srslog.LOG_AUTH

  • srslog.LOG_SYSLOG

  • srslog.LOG_LPR

  • srslog.LOG_NEWS

  • srslog.LOG_UUCP

  • srslog.LOG_CRON

  • srslog.LOG_AUTHPRIV

  • srslog.LOG_FTP

  • srslog.LOG_LOCAL0

  • srslog.LOG_LOCAL1

  • srslog.LOG_LOCAL2

  • srslog.LOG_LOCAL3

  • srslog.LOG_LOCAL4

  • srslog.LOG_LOCAL5

  • srslog.LOG_LOCAL6

  • srslog.LOG_LOCAL7

This module is only available if Disable-Network-Script-Functions is set to false in the Gravwell config. Exported functions and types include:

  • telnet.Dial

  • telnet.DialTimeout

  • telnet.NewConn

  • telnet.Conn


io/ioutil only exports one function, ioutil.ReadAll().


This module is only available if Disable-Network-Script-Functions is set to false in the Gravwell config. Exported functions and types include:

  • net.CIDRMask

  • net.Dial

  • net.DialIP

  • net.DialTCP

  • net.DialTimeout

  • net.DialUDP

  • net.ErrWriteToConnected

  • net.FlagBroadcast

  • net.FlagLoopback

  • net.FlagMulticast

  • net.FlagPointToPoint

  • net.FlagUp

  • net.IPv4

  • net.IPv4Mask

  • net.IPv4allrouter

  • net.IPv4allsys

  • net.IPv4bcast

  • net.IPv4len

  • net.IPv4zero

  • net.IPv6interfacelocalallnodes

  • net.IPv6len

  • net.IPv6linklocalallnodes

  • net.IPv6linklocalallrouters

  • net.IPv6loopback

  • net.IPv6unspecified

  • net.IPv6zero

  • net.InterfaceAddrs

  • net.InterfaceByIndex

  • net.InterfaceByName

  • net.Interfaces

  • net.JoinHostPort

  • net.LookupAddr

  • net.LookupCNAME

  • net.LookupHost

  • net.LookupIP

  • net.LookupMX

  • net.LookupNS

  • net.LookupPort

  • net.LookupSRV

  • net.LookupTXT

  • net.ParseCIDR

  • net.ParseIP

  • net.ParseMAC

  • net.ResolveIPAddr

  • net.ResolveTCPAddr

  • net.ResolveUDPAddr

  • net.ResolveUnixAddr

  • net.SplitHostPort


This module is only available if Disable-Network-Script-Functions is set to false in the Gravwell config.

net/http exports a subset of functions, types, and variables for performing HTTP requests. The types Client, Cookie, Request, and Response are exported; see the Go documentation for a description of these types.

The function NewRequest(operation, url, body) (Request, error) prepares a new http.Request with the given operation (“PUT”, “POST”, “GET”, “DELETE”) on the specified URL string. The body is an optional parameter for use with PUT and POST requests; it should be set to either ‘nil’ or an io.Reader.

For most purposes, you will create a Request with the NewRequest function, then use http.DefaultClient to execute that request:

req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
resp, _ = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)

Additional headers or cookies can be set on the request before sending:

req, _ = http.NewRequest("GET", "", nil)
# Add a header
req.Header.Add("My-Header", "gravwell")
# Add a cookie
cookie = make(http.Cookie)
cookie.Name = "foo"
cookie.Value = "bar"
resp, _ = http.DefaultClient.Do(req)


You must close the http.Response’s Body field when you are finished, as shown above. Leaving the Body open will leave a network connection open, eventually causing the search agent to run out of sockets. The httpGet and httpPost functions will close the Body automatically; please consider using those wherever possible.