First / Last Modules#
The first
and last
modules are a convenient way to see specific entries over a time period. For instance, given a collection of syslog messages from a number of sources, one might wish to see the earliest or most recent entry from each individual host, or from each daemon.
The modules use the same syntax. Each optionally takes one or more enumerated value names; if specified, the modules will emit the first/last entry for each combination of values of the enumerated values, similar to the behavior of the unique module.
first [enumerated value]...
Supported Options#
-maxtracked <arg>
: sets the maximum number of unique keys to track per operation, e.g.first -maxtracked 5000 DstIP
. This is used to help avoid memory exhaustion if there are millions of IPv6 addresses in the data. If the maxtracked value is exceeded, the search will terminate with an error suggesting you should increase the max value. Defaults to 100000000. Refer to the stats module documentation for more information about maxtracked.-maxsize <arg>
: sets the maximum amount of memory in megabytes to hold when tracking keys.
To get just the first entry in a query by time, simply invoke the first
module with no arguments:
tag=gravwell first
To get the first entry for each unique value of the enumerated value “foo”, invoke first
with the argument “foo”:
tag=gravwell json foo | first foo
The first and last module operate on the timestamp of entries for most queries. However, if you write a query that isn’t ordered temporally, first/last will operate simply on the first or last entry seen in the search pipeline. For example:
tag=gravwell json foo | sort by foo | first
This query will give you the first entry seen, after sorting by foo.