Changelog for version 5.4.11#

Released 30 July 2024#



This release contains high priority bug fixes for ingesters and search modules. Gravwell highly recommends that all users upgrade to 5.4.11 or above.


  • Added debug interfaces to most components to get stack traces and CPU/Memory profiles using the SIGUSR1 signal.

  • Added additional log on query completion that shows local disk usage which helps identify excessively expensive queries.

  • Added -maxtracked and -maxsize flags to the first, last, and unique modules to prevent unexpected resource exhaustion.

  • Improved internal logging around shard management.

Bug Fixes#

  • Fixed an issue where an indexer could drop a file lock when repairing many shards.

  • Fixed an issue where multiple overlapping AX modules targeting multiple tags could provide incorrect acceleration hints.

  • Fixed an issue where the kits interface could sometimes show resources from other kits.

Ingester Changes#


  • Improved health check API on HTTP ingester to indicate if the ingester would block on a request.

  • Improved resource utilization on the Federator and Indexer when servicing many clients.

Bug Fixes#

  • Fixed an issue in the ingest library that can cause resource starvation when under extremely high load with many concurrent data flows.