If Node#

This node executes a boolean logic expression specified by the user. If the expression evaluates to true, execution of downstream nodes will proceed. If the expression evaluates to false, none of the nodes directly downstream of this node will be executed; the node is said to be “blocking”.


The configuration of the node defines the parts of a boolean logic expression, e.g. in foo != 0, “foo” is the left-hand side, “!=” is the operator, and “0” is the right-hand side.

  • Left-hand Side, required: the item on the left side of the operator, frequently a variable.

  • Operator, required: the logic operator to use, e.g. “!=”, “==”, “>”.

  • Right-hand Side, required: the item on the right side of the operator, frequently a constant.


The node does not modify the payload. However, if the expression evaluates to “false”, the node will block execution of any downstream nodes.


Refer to the Run Query node’s documentation for an example demonstrating the use of the If node.