JSON Time Extraction Preprocessor#

The JSON time extraction preprocessor is designed to parse a JSON object and perform time resolution on a specific field. This preprocessor is particularly useful when a JSON record has multiple timestamps in it and a user needs to specify a particular field for use as the entry timestamp.

If the specified extraction is not present in an entry or the extracted field cannot be processed as a timestamp, the entry timestamp is left unchanged.

The JSON Time Extraction preprocessor Type is jsontimeextract.

Supported Options#

  • Path (string, required): This specifies the field to be extracted from the JSON. Given an input of {"foo":"a", "bar":2, "baz":{"frog": "2022-12-31T12:00:00Z"}}, you could specify Path=baz.frog to extract and process the timestamp 2022-12-31T12:00:00Z.

  • Assume-Local-Timezone (Boolean, optional): By default, the timestamp processing code will assume UTC time zones if a timestamp does not contain a timezone. This option can force the processing module to use the local machines timezone when no timezone is present in the timestamp.

  • Timestamp-Override (string, optional): Manually specify a timestamp format to use when processing extracted timestamps.

Common Use Cases#

Many JSON data sources may provide a few timestamps or contain raw data with timestamps in it. The timestamp processor TimeGrinder will attempt to find the first timestamp it can in a data record and then lock on to that timestamp and/or format. Depending on the data schema this may not be the correct timestamp. With this preprocessor, you can tell the ingester to treat the data record as JSON and then manually specify the field containing a timestamp.

Example: Correcting Timestamp extraction on JSON Data Records#

Assuming the following data in an event:


The TimeGrinder would most likely zero in on the timestamp 2022-12-31T12:13:14.12345Z but we probably actually want the timestamp 2022-12-30T11:54:21Z.

The following preprocessor configuration would extract the created field using the path record.created and process it using TimeGrinder, correcting the entry timestamp.

[Preprocessor "json-timestamp"]