JSON Time Extraction Preprocessor#

The JSON time extraction preprocessor is designed to parse a JSON object and perform time resolution on a specific field. This preprocessor is particularly useful when a JSON record has multiple timestamps in it and a user needs to specify a particular field for use as the entry timestamp.

If the specified extraction is not present in an entry or the extracted field cannot be processed as a timestamp, the entry timestamp is left unchanged.

The JSON Time Extraction preprocessor Type is jsontimeextract.

Supported Options#

  • Path (string, required): This specifies the field to be extracted from the JSON. Given an input of {"foo":"a", "bar":2, "baz":{"frog": "2022-12-31T12:00:00Z"}}, you could specify Path=baz.frog to extract and process the timestamp 2022-12-31T12:00:00Z.

  • Assume-Local-Timezone (Boolean, optional): By default, the timestamp processing code will assume UTC time zones if a timestamp does not contain a timezone. This option can force the processing module to use the local machines timezone when no timezone is present in the timestamp.

  • Timestamp-Override (string, optional): Allows for manually specifying a timestamp format to use when processing extracted timestamps.

Common Use Cases#

Many JSON data sources may provide a few timestamps or contain raw data with timestamps in it. The timestamp processor TimeGrinder will attempt to find the first timestamp it can in a data record and then lock on to that timestamp and/or format. Depending on the data schema this may not be the correct timestamp. This preprocessor allows for treating the data record as JSON and then manually specifying the field containing a timestamp.

Example: Correcting Timestamp extraction on JSON Data Records#

Assuming the following data in an event:


The TimeGrinder would most likely zero in on the timestamp 2022-12-31T12:13:14.12345Z but we probably actually want the timestamp 2022-12-30T11:54:21Z.

The following preprocessor configuration would extract the created field using the path record.created and process it using TimeGrinder, correcting the entry timestamp.

[Preprocessor "json-timestamp"]