
The gravwell ingest framework is open sourced via the BSD 2-clause license, which enables it to be directly included in both open source and commercial products. Data processors and/or generators can directly embed the ingest framework and provide an easy to configure integration with Gravwell. This documentation page is used to highlight and where appropriate document some Gravwell integrations.


CoreDNS is a highly configurable and plugin friendly DNS server meant to provide a base platform for DNS services. The base functionality of CoreDNS provides a robust and performant DNS server that can act as a relay, proxy, or full blown DNS server. CoreDNS is licensed under the Apache-2.0 and is available on github. To learn more about CoreDNS visit

Gravwell CoreDNS Plugin#

A Gravwell plugin is available for CoreDNS which directly embeds the ingest framework into CoreDNS. Using the plugin, a statically compiled and high performance DNS server can directly transmit DNS audit data to a Gravwell instance. The plugin is licensed under BSD 2-Clause and available on github.

The plugin provides a complete ingest system which supports all the usual features: local caching for high reliability, load balancing, failover, etc… Additional information about the Gravwell plugin can be found on the CoreDNS External Plugins page.

Building CoreDNS with Gravwell#

Building CoreDNS with the Gravwell plugin requires that the Go toolchain and compiler is installed, more information is available here.

go get
pushd $GOPATH/src/
sed -i 's/metadata:metadata/metadata:metadata\\/gravwell\/coredns/g' plugin.cfg
go generate
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o /tmp/coredns

The resulting statically compiled binary will be located at /tmp/coredns. CoreDNS can then be started by providing a valid Corefile as the first argument. If you are running CoreDNS as a non-root user, you will need to give the binary the service bind capability.

setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /tmp/coredns

Configuring Gravwell Plugin#

Configuration is performed via the CoreDNS Corefile which has the basic syntax of directive value. Comments are preceded by the “#” character.

The following configuration parameters are available:

  • Ingest-Secret defines the token used to authenticate with indexers. Ingest-Secret is required.

  • Cleartext-Target defines the address and port for a remote indexer using a TCP connection. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as well as host names are supported.

  • Ciphertext-Target defines the address and port for a remote indexer using a TLS connection. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses as well as host names are supported.

  • Tag specifies the tag that DNS audit logs are assigned. Can be any alphanumeric value without special characters or spaces. A valid Tag value is required.

  • Encoding specifies the format of transported DNS audit logs. Options are json or text. Default is json.

  • Insecure-Novalidate-TLS toggles certificate validation on TLS connections. Validation is on by default.

  • Log-Level specifies the logging verbosity over the integrated gravwell tag. Options are OFF INFO WARN ERROR. Default is ERROR.

  • Ingest-Cache-Path specifies a file path for the cache system which engages when indexer connectivity is lost. Path must be an absolute path to a writable file.

  • Max-Cache-Size-MB specifies in megabytes the maximum size of the cache file. This is used as a safety net. Zero value is the default and represents unlimited.

  • Cache-Depth specifies the size of the in-memory ingest buffer, in entries. The default is 128.

  • Cache-Mode specifies the behavior of the backing cache based on the state of indexer connections. The default mode is “always”.

A basic Gravwell definition looks like so:

gravwell {
    Ingest-Secret IngestSecretToken
    Tag dns
    Encoding json
    Log-Level INFO
    #Cleartext-Target #second indexer
    #Insecure-Novalidate-TLS true #disable TLS certificate validation
    #Ingest-Cache-Path /tmp/coredns_ingest.cache #enable the local ingest cache
    #Max-Cache-Size-MB 1024

A unique Gravwell plugin section can be applied to each DNS listener. An example Corefile which listens to two different interfaces and applies a unique Gravwell configuration to each might look like so:

.:53 {
  forward .
  errors stdout
  cache 240
  gravwell {
   Ingest-Secret SecretSetOne
   Tag dns
   Encoding json

.:53 {
  forward	. tls://
  errors stdout
  cache 60s
  gravwell {
   Ingest-Secret SecretSetTwo
   Tag dns
   Encoding json

Notice that we are sending each of the DNS listeners to two completely independent Gravwell installations, one a single indexer the other a distributed cluster.

A sample Gravwell Corefile section which sends DNS requests to a single indexer over an unencrypted connection. Local cache is disabled.

gravwell {
    Ingest-Secret IngestSecretToken
    Tag dns

A sample Gravwell Corefile section which sends DNS requests to two indexers over a TLS connection and accepts unsigned certificates. Local cache is disabled. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported for both the Cleartext and Ciphertext targets. IPv6 addresses must be enclosed in brackets.

gravwell {
    Ingest-Secret IngestSecretToken
    Ciphertext-Target [fe80::dead:beef:feed:febe%p1p1]:4024 #connecting to link local address via device p1p1
    Tag dns
    Encoding json
    Log-Level INFO

A sample Gravwell Corefile section which sends DNS requests to two indexers over a TLS connection and accepts unsigned certificates. Local cache is disabled.

gravwell {
    Ingest-Secret IngestSecretToken
    Ciphertext-Target [dead::beef]:4024
    Insecure-Novalidate-TLS true
    Tag dns
    Encoding json
    Log-Level INFO

A sample Gravwell Corefile section which sends DNS requests to two indexers and enables a local cache should indexer communication fail. Up to 1GB of data can be locally cached.

gravwell {
    Ingest-Secret IngestSecretToken
    Insecure-Novalidate-TLS true
    Ingest-Cache-Path /tmp/coredns_ingest.cache
    Max-Cache-Size-MB 1024
    Tag dns
    Encoding json
    Log-Level INFO