Microsoft Graph API Ingester#

Gravwell provides an ingester which can pull security information from Microsoft’s Graph API. In order to configure the ingester, you will need to register a new application within the Azure Active Directory management portal; this will generate a set of keys which can be used to access the logs. You will need the following information:

  • Client ID: A UUID generated for your application via the Azure management console

  • Client secret: A secret token generated for your application via the Azure console

  • Tenant Domain: The domain of your Azure domain, e.g. “”


To install the Debian package, make sure the Gravwell Debian repository is configured as described in the quickstart. Then run the following command as root:

apt update && apt install gravwell-msgraph

To install the Redhat package, make sure the Gravwell Redhat repository is configured as described in the quickstart. Then run the following command as root:

yum install gravwell-msgraph

To install via the standalone shell installer, download the installer from the downloads page, then run the following command as root, replacing X.X.X with the appropriate version:


You may be prompted for additional configuration during the installation.

There is currently no Docker image for this ingester

Basic Configuration#

The MS Graph ingester uses the unified global configuration block described in the ingester section. Like most other Gravwell ingesters, the MS Graph ingester supports multiple upstream indexers, TLS, cleartext, and named pipe connections, a local cache, and local logging.

The configuration file is at /opt/gravwell/etc/msgraph_ingest.conf. The ingester will also read configuration snippets from its configuration overlay directory (/opt/gravwell/etc/msgraph_ingest.conf.d).

ContentType Examples#

[ContentType "alerts"]

[ContentType "scores"]

[ContentType "profiles"]

Installation and configuration#

First, download the installer from the Downloads page, then install the ingester:

root@gravserver ~# bash

If the Gravwell services are present on the same machine, the installation script should automatically extract and configure the Ingest-Auth parameter and set it appropriately. You will now need to open the /opt/gravwell/etc/msgraph_ingest.conf configuration file and set it up for your application, replacing the placeholder fields and modifying tags as desired. Once you have modified the configuration as described below, start the service with the command systemctl start gravwell_msgraph_ingest.service.

By default, the ingester will ingest security alerts as they arrive. It will also periodically query for new security score results (typically issued daily), and ingest the associated control profiles which are used to build those security score results. These three data sources are by default ingested to the tags graph-alerts, graph-scores, and graph-profiles, respectively.

The example below shows a sample configuration which connects to an indexer on the local machine (note the Pipe-Backend-target setting) and feeds it logs from all supported types:

Ingest-Secret = IngestSecrets
Connection-Timeout = 0
Pipe-Backend-target=/opt/gravwell/comms/pipe #a named pipe connection, this should be used when ingester is on the same machine as a backend
Log-Level=ERROR #options are OFF INFO WARN ERROR


[ContentType "alerts"]

[ContentType "scores"]

[ContentType "profiles"]