File Follower#

The File Follower ingester is the best way to ingest files on the local filesystem in situations where those files may be updated on the fly. It ingests each line of the files as a single entry.

The most common use case for File Follower is monitoring a directory containing log files which are actively being updated, such as /var/log. It intelligently handles log rotation, detecting when logfile has been moved to logfile.1 and so on. It can be configured to ingest files matching a specific pattern in a directory, optionally recursively descending into the subdirectories of that top-level directory.

Note that if you instead wish to ingest existing/archive files (which will not be updated), the File Follower is not the most efficient option; please see the migration documentation instead.


File Follower uses the Linux Kernel inotify subsystem. inotify is usually configured for most use cases in most Linux distrubutions. However, using File Follower to track a very large number of files, or files that are very frequently written to, may require kernel parameter tuning. See the Kernel parameter tuning section below.


On RHEL/CentOS, /var/log belongs to the “root” group, not “adm” as we assume. File Follower runs in the adm group by default, so if you want it to read /var/log you need to chgrp -R adm /var/log OR change the group in the systemd unit file.


To install the Debian package, make sure the Gravwell Debian repository is configured as described in the quickstart. Then run the following command as root:

apt update && apt install gravwell-file-follow

To install the Redhat package, make sure the Gravwell Redhat repository is configured as described in the quickstart. Then run the following command as root:

yum install gravwell-file-follow

To install via the standalone shell installer, download the installer from the downloads page, then run the following command as root, replacing X.X.X with the appropriate version:


You may be prompted for additional configuration during the installation.

The Docker image is available on Dockerhub.

Kernel parameter tuning#

On Linux, File Follower uses the inotify kernel subsystem. If you are seeing filesystem notification errors in File Follow, consider increasing the depth of the inotify event queue. You can do this by setting the depth with sysctl: sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_queued_events=32768. Additionally, the maximum number of files allowed to be watched is controlled by the kernel. You can increase this value with sysctl: sysctl -w fs.inotify.max_user_watches=32768.

Startup considerations#

At startup, file follower will ingest any existing data in the tracked paths before servicing inotify events. If you are starting file follower to ingest a large amount of existing data, it is recommended that you do not write to the tracked paths until the initial ingest is complete. Writing to tracked paths during initial ingest could result in overflowing the kernel inotify buffer.

Basic Configuration#

The File Follower configuration file is by default located in /opt/gravwell/etc/file_follow.conf on Linux and C:\Program Files\gravwell\file_follow.cfg on Windows. The ingester will also read configuration snippets from its configuration overlay directory (/opt/gravwell/etc/file_follow.conf.d).

The File Follower ingester uses the unified global configuration block described in the ingester section. Like most other Gravwell ingesters, File Follower supports multiple upstream indexers, TLS, cleartext, and named pipe connections, and local logging.


We recommend strongly against using a file cache with the File Follower ingester, since it is already tracking its position within the source files.

An example configuration for the File Follower ingester, configured to watch several different types of log files in /var/log and recursively follow files under /tmp/incoming:

Ingest-Secret = IngestSecrets
Connection-Timeout = 0
Insecure-Skip-TLS-Verify = false
Cleartext-Backend-target= #example of adding a cleartext connection
Cleartext-Backend-target= #example of adding another cleartext connection
Log-Level=ERROR #options are OFF INFO WARN ERROR

[Follower "syslog"]
        File-Filter="syslog,syslog.[0-9]" #we are looking for all authorization log files

[Follower "auth"]
        File-Filter="auth.log,auth.log.[0-9]" #we are looking for all authorization log files
        Assume-Local-Timezone=true #Default for assume localtime is false

[Follower "packages"]
        File-Filter="dpkg.log,dpkg.log.[0-9]" #we are looking for all dpkg files

[Follower "external"]

In this example, the “syslog” follower reads /var/log/syslog and its rotations, ingesting lines to the syslog tag and assuming dates to be in the local timezone. Similarly, the “auth” follower also uses the syslog tag to ingest /var/log/auth.log. The “packages” follower ingests Debian’s package management logs to the dpkg tag; for the purposes of illustration, it ignores the timestamps and marks each entry with the time it was read.

Finally, the “external” follower reads all files ending in .log from the directory /tmp/incoming, descending recursively into directories. It parses timestamps as though they were in the Pacific time zone. This follower illustrates a configuration that would be useful if, for example, several servers on the US west coast periodically uploaded their log files to this system.

The configuration parameters used above are explained in greater detail in the following sections

Additional Global Parameters#


The Max-Files-Watched parameter prevents the File Follower from maintaining too many open file descriptors. If Max-Files-Watched=64 is specified, the File Follower will actively watch up to 64 log files. When a new file is created, the File Follower will stop actively watching the oldest existing file in order to watch the new one. However, if the old file is later updated, it will return to the top of the queue.

We recommend leaving this setting at 64 in most cases; configuring the limit too high can run into limits set by the kernel.

Follower Configuration#

The File Follower configuration file contains one or more “Follower” directives which specify which directory to watch and some optional parameters.

A basic example configuration is:

[Follower "syslog"]
        File-Filter="syslog,syslog.[0-9]" #we are looking for all authorization log files

Each follower specifies at minimum a base directory and a filename filtering pattern. This section describes possible configuration parameters which can be set per follower. The following table specifies the available configuration parameters with additional details below:




Default Value





Directory to watch for files in.



List of globs to filter which files to follow. Missing filter means all files are followed.




Tag to assign entries to.




Ignore timestamps in data, assign entries to now.




Assume timestamps missing a timezone refer to local timezone.




Descend into all sub directories and watch nested files.



Line prefixes that can be used to ignore lines, multiple can be specified.



Set of glob patterns that specify entries to ignore, multiple can be specified.



Optional timestamp format override for parsing timestamps.




Indicate that entries should be delimited by timestamps. Requires Timestamp-Format-Override.



Regular expression that defines a delimiter for splitting an entry.



Regular expression used for identifying a timestamp within data.



Format string used for parsing timestamps.



List of preprocessors to use when processing entries after extraction.




Attach complete filepath to each entry.




Trim leading and trailing space characters from each entry.


The Base-Directory parameter specifies the directory which will contain the files to be ingested. It should be an absolute path and contain no wildcards.


The File-Filter parameter defines the filenames which should be ingested. It can be as simple as a single file name:


Or it can contain multiple patterns:


which will match any filename beginning with “kern” and ending with “.log”, or beginning with “kern” and ending with “.log.0” through “.log.9”.

The full matching syntax, as defined in

	{ term }
	'*'         matches any sequence of non-Separator characters
	'?'         matches any single non-Separator character
	'[' [ '^' ] { character-range } ']'
	            character class (must be non-empty)
	c           matches character c (c != '*', '?', '\\', '[')
	'\\' c      matches character c

	c           matches character c (c != '\\', '-', ']')
	'\\' c      matches character c
	lo '-' hi   matches character c for lo <= c <= hi


The recursive parameter directs the File Follower to ingest files matching the File-Filter recursively under the Base-Directory.

By default, the ingester will only ingest those files matching the File-Filter under the top level of the Base-Directory; the following would ingest /tmp/incoming/foo.log but not /tmp/incoming/system1/foo.log:


By setting Recursive=true, the configuration will ingest any file named foo.log at any directory depth under /tmp/incoming.


The Tag-Name parameter specifies the tag to apply to entries ingested by this follower.


The ingester will drop (not ingest) any lines beginning with the string passed to Ignore-Line-Prefix. This is useful when ingesting log files which contain comments, such as Bro logs. The Ignore-Line-Prefix parameter may be specified multiple times.

The following indicates that lines beginning with # or // should not be ingested:



The ingester will drop (not ingest) any lines that match the given glob pattern. Globs are text patterns containing wildcards (such as *). For example, to drop any line that contains the word “foo” anywhere in the line:


Ignore-Glob can be specified multiple times and supports the same wildcard syntax as the File-Filter option.


The Regex-Delimiter option allows the user to specify a regular expression which will be used to split entries, rather than newlines. Thus, if your input files look like this:

####This is the first entry
additional data
####This is the second entry

You could add the following line to your follower definition:


This will parse the preceding file into two entries:

####This is the first entry
additional data


####This is the second entry


Timestamp-Delimited overrides Regex-Delimiter; set one or the other.


The Timestamp-Delimited parameter is a boolean specifying that each occurrence of a time stamp should be considered the start of a new entry. This is useful when log entries may span multiple lines. When specifying Timestamp-Delimited, the Timestamp-Format-Override parameter must also be set.

If a log file looks like this:

2012-11-01T22:08:41+00:00 Line 1 of the first entry
Line 2 of the first entry
2012-11-01T22:08:43+00:00 Line 1 of the second entry
Line 2 of the second entry
Line 3 of the second entry

Provided the follower is configured with Timestamp-Delimited=true and Timestamp-Format-Override=RFC3339, it will generate the following two entries:

2012-11-01T22:08:41+00:00 Line 1 of the first entry
Line 2 of the first entry
2012-11-01T22:08:43+00:00 Line 1 of the second entry
Line 2 of the second entry
Line 3 of the second entry


Timestamp-Delimited overrides Regex-Delimiter; set one or the other.


The Ignore-Timestamps parameter indicates that the follower should not attempt to extract a timestamp from each line of the file, but rather tag each line with the current time.


Assume-Local-Timezone is a boolean setting which directs the ingester to parse timestamps which lack timezone specifications as though they were in the local time zone rather than the default UTC.

Assume-Local-Timezone and Timezone-Override are mutually exclusive.


The Timezone-Override parameter directs the ingester to parse timestamps which lack timezone specifications as though they were in the given time zone rather than the default UTC. The timezone should be specified in IANA database string format as shown in; for example, US Central Time should be specified as follows:


Assume-Local-Timezone and Timezone-Override are mutually exclusive. Timezone-Override="Local" is functionally equivalent to Assume-Local-Timezone=true


Data values may contain multiple timestamps which can cause some confusion when attempting to derive timestamps out of the data. Normally, the followers will grab the left most timestamp that can be derived, but if there are multiple timestamps in an entry it may be useful to specify a format to try first. “Timestamp-Format-Override” tells the follower to try a specific format first. The following timestamp formats are available:

  • AnsiC

  • Unix

  • Ruby

  • RFC822

  • RFC822Z

  • RFC850

  • RFC1123

  • RFC1123Z

  • RFC3339

  • RFC3339Nano

  • Apache

  • ApacheNoTz

  • Syslog

  • SyslogFile

  • SyslogFileTZ

  • DPKG

  • Custom1Milli


  • UnixMilli

  • ZonelessRFC3339

  • SyslogVariant

  • UnpaddedDateTime

Refer to the timegrinder documentation for a full list of possible overrides, with examples.

To force the follower to first look for timestamps that match the RFC3339 specification, add Timestamp-Format-Override=RFC3339 to the follower. Note that if it is unable to find an RFC3339 timestamp, it will attempt to match against other formats too.

Timestamp-Regex and Timestamp-Format-String#

The Timestamp-Regex and Timestamp-Format-String options may be used in tandem to specify an additional timestamp format for use when parsing timestamps for this follower. For example, if you are ingesting logs containing Oracle WebLogic timestamps (e.g. “Sep 18, 2020 12:26:48,992 AM EDT”), you would add the following to your configuration:

	Timestamp-Format-String="Jan _2, 2006 3:04:05,999 PM MST"

The Timestamp-Format-String parameter should be a Go-style timestamp format as defined in this document. The Timestamp-Regex parameter should be a regular expression which can match the timestamps you wish to extract; note that it must also be able to match the Timestamp-Format-String and will return an error if it does not match.

The format defined using these options will be inserted at the top of the list of formats used by timegrinder, meaning it will be checked first, but if a valid timestamp is not found with the user-defined format, the rest of the timegrinder formats will also be tried.


Each follower has the option to attach the complete file path of the source file to each entry at the time of ingest using the Attach-Filename=true parameter to the Follower configuration block. Setting Attach-Filename=true to the follower will attach a value named file to each entry which is available at query time in Gravwell. Be aware that attaching long file paths to entries will have an impact on storage; compression will reduce that impact but it will not eliminate it.


Each follower has the option to trim leading and trailing spaces from entries prior to ingest; this option can be useful when your data sources have leading or trailing spaces, tabs, newlines, and other whitespace characters in the ASCII character set. Trim does not trim whitespace characters in the UTF-8 (or any other non-ASCII encoding) character sets.

The Trim flag can be useful when ingesting entries that have unusual record breaks. For example, consider the following set of log entries:

starting action baking:
   * pouring milk
   * adding cheese
   * mixing
   * inserting into oven
   * setting temperature
   * remove from oven
   * set on cooling rack
starting action consumption:
   * fending off children
   * hiding in closet
   * denying existence of fresh-baked cookies
starting action cleanup:
   * washing cookie sheet
   * replace cookie sheet

You may wish to have each multiline action be a single entry; this can be accomplished with “Regex-Delimiter=\n\S” which will break records on a newline that does not have spaces afterwords. However, a Regex-Delimiter that uses newlines will also capture newlines in the entries; adding the Trim=true config option will remove the leading and trailing newlines (and any other space characters). Trim will not remove any interior whitespace characters.

macOS Configuration#

The macOS file follower installs to /Library/Gravwell/FileFollower and enables a launchd script to enable file follower at startup. To configure file follower on macOS, edit /Library/Gravwell/FileFollower/file_follow.conf and restart the file follower service with:

launchctl kickstart -k system/io.gravwell.filefollower

To disable the service, use:

launchctl disable system/io.gravwell.filefollower

To remove file follower from macOS, remove the following:

  1. /Library/Gravwell/FileFollower

  2. /Library/LaunchDaemons/io.gravwell.filefollower.plist